06 May 2008


Hello and welcome to Spanky's Movie Review Blog. I was doing this on the myspace blog, but now I am going bigger! So here I am joining the world of The Blog. You can read the old ones here.

I am a huge fan of movies. I go to the cinema as much as possible, and I am a big fan of Netflix. If you were to ask my what my favorite movie would be I would not be able to tell you. I can tell you the last movie I watched at the cinema was Iron Man, on dvd was The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra and the last dvd I bought was Terminator 2: Ultimate Edition (I never said anything about them having to be new films).

The idea is to write at least one post a week about the films I have watched, but there is no guarantee that that will happen. I will do new movies, movies from local filmmakers and maybe throw in some old timey classics you may not have thought about in years. The sky is the limit really. Suggestions of movies to watch (and review) are always welcomed. To the cinema I must go!

Thanks for reading!

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